Please be aware that this documentation is still a work in progress and may not cover all topics comprehensively. If you cannot find the answer you're looking for in this documentation, please don't hesitate to ask for assistance in our Discord Support Server.
Q: Is there a possibility that Lunar Utility will become an open source project in the future?
Currently, we dont't have any immediate plans to release Lunar Utility as an open-source project.
Q: How do I configure the settings of the Lunar Utility module?
1. Navitgate to: https://lunar-utility.xyz/manage-servers.
2. Choose the desired server for editing.
3. Select the specific module you wish to modify.
Q: Why isn't the auto-role feature adding roles to new members?
1. Ensure that the role assigned by the auto-role feature is positioned lower than the bot's role.
2. If you have enabled the Members Must Accept Rules Before They Can Talk Or DM on your server, Lunar Utility will wait for members to accept the rules before assigning roles.
3. Check for any potential issues on the servers end that may be preventing the auto-role feature from functioning correctly.
Q: Why isn't Lunar Utility responding to slash commands?
1. Confirm that the corresponding module for the command is enabled.
2. Verify that the specific command you're attempting to use is enabled.
3. Make sure Lunar Utility has the necessary permissions in the channel, such as: View Channel, Send Messages, and Read Message History.
4. Ensure that the channel has the Use Application Commands permission enabled.
5. Check for any potential issues on your end that might be causing the slash command to malfunction.
Q: Why isn't Lunar Utility responding to any commands or prompts?
Lunar Utility may not be responding due to ongoing updates or potential downtime. For updates and information, please check our Discord Support Server in the #đŸ“£status-updates channel, or visit https://status.lunar-utility.xyz/.
Last updated
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